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Luxury Tortoise Seed Mix 65 different Plants/Flowers 1KG - FREE POST

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Tortoise Seed Mixture

65 different species of weeds/ plants

Included in this mix is:

  1. Timothy grass- Added fibre (does not take over like normal grassHoary Plantain
  2. Broad Leaved Plantain
  3. Tufted Vetch
  4. Musk Mallow
  5. White Clover
  6. Sainfoin
  7. Evening Primrose
  8. Dandelion
  9. Chicory
  10. Hawkbit
  11. Milk Thistle
  12. Forget me not
  13. Betony
  14. Red Dead Nettle
  15. Crimson Clover
  16. Shepherds Purse
  17. Chickweed
  18. Nipplewort seeds
  19. Self Heal
  20. Pickly Sow thistle
  21. Field Pansy
  22. Smooth Sow thistle
  23. Snap Dragon
  24. Knapweed
  25. Aslike clover
  26. Red clover
  27. Common Vetch
  28. Speedwell, common
  29. White Dead nettle
  30. Marsh Mallow
  31. Speedwell, ivy leaved
  32. Pot Marigold
  33. Campanula
  34. Cornflower
  35. Corn
  36. Field Bindweed
  37. Hollyhock
  38. Wild Pansy
  39. Wild Stawberry - Leaves can be eaten, fruit as a treat
  40. Sweet Blossom Clover
  41. Salad Burnet
  42. Basil
  43. Little Gem Lettuce
  44. Water Cress
  45. Parsley
  46. Rubane Lettuce
  47. Wild Rocket
  48. Mustard
  49. Dwarf Mallow
  50. Bristly Ox Tongue
  51. Meadows Cranesbill
  52. Yellow Pansy
  53. Hedge Woundwort
  54. Kale
  55. Ragged Robin (small amount)
  56. Lambs Lettuce
  57. Alexanders
  58. Coreopsis tinctoria
  59. Salad Burnet
  60. Sunflower


NOW: £140.00

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