Luxury Tortoise Seed Mix 65 different Plants/Flowers 1KG - FREE POST
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Tortoise Seed Mixture
65 different species of weeds/ plants
Included in this mix is:
Timothy grass- Added fibre (does not take over like normal grassHoary Plantain
- Broad Leaved Plantain
- Tufted Vetch
- Musk Mallow
- White Clover
- Sainfoin
- Evening Primrose
- Dandelion
- Chicory
- Hawkbit
- Milk Thistle
- Forget me not
- Betony
- Red Dead Nettle
- Crimson Clover
- Shepherds Purse
- Chickweed
- Nipplewort seeds
- Self Heal
- Pickly Sow thistle
- Field Pansy
- Smooth Sow thistle
- Snap Dragon
- Knapweed
- Aslike clover
- Red clover
- Common Vetch
- Speedwell, common
- White Dead nettle
- Marsh Mallow
- Speedwell, ivy leaved
- Pot Marigold
- Campanula
- Cornflower
- Corn
- Field Bindweed
- Hollyhock
- Wild Pansy
- Wild Stawberry - Leaves can be eaten, fruit as a treat
- Sweet Blossom Clover
- Salad Burnet
- Basil
- Little Gem Lettuce
- Water Cress
- Parsley
- Rubane Lettuce
- Wild Rocket
- Mustard
- Dwarf Mallow
- Bristly Ox Tongue
- Meadows Cranesbill
- Yellow Pansy
- Hedge Woundwort
- Kale
- Ragged Robin (small amount)
- Lambs Lettuce
- Alexanders
- Coreopsis tinctoria
- Salad Burnet
- Sunflower